XPRING-IDE (Integrated Development Environment): set of tools integrated as a plugin in the Eclipse programming environment. Provides configuration solutions, tests, device simulation, deployment, form editing, etc.
XPRING-DM (Device Manager): allows the original Device Manager of J/XFS (J/XFS-DM) to be replaced, providing new and improved functionalities without deviating from the standard.
XPRING-DS (Device Service): set of J/XFS Device Services that can be acquired separately and which include numerous simulators allowing a large number of tests to be carried out without needing to have the physical device.
XPRING-DT (Device Templates): set of Java classes that allow for compact, fast and exceptional quality development of any J/XFS Device Service. All of Cashware’s Device Services have been developed using these templates, which make it possible to develop our Device Services with no prior experience in a short duration of time.
Besides providing specialised services and custom solutions, we have a range of products implemented at important clients with excellent results. In every particular case, these products and solutions can be customised and adapted to each client’s specific requirements.